Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Boeing 737 NG type rating, and line training program for EASA, DGCA, FAA, ICAO pilots. 500 hours line training B737

Get your type rating on the Boeing 737 NG aircraft.
We can also offer line training for you as a 
First Officer flying 500 hours in the B737NG

Open for pilots holding type rating, and for pilots that are non rated on the B737.
Contact firstofficerlt@gmail.com

Send your CV, and copy of your license.

Airbus A320 Type, and line training for EASA, DGCA, FAA, ICAO pilots. 500 hours program

Contact firstofficerlt@gmail.com

We offer programs both for typed, and non typed Airbus 320 pilots.
500 hours line training program, fly as a First Officer on the A320.

Send your CV, and a copy of your license to firstofficerlt@gmail.com

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Get your A320 type rating, and 500 hours line training in Europe contact a320line@gmail.com

Are you an EASA rated pilot?
Start your A320 pilot type rating with us. Cost 14,900 EUR
500 hours line training in Europe for 48,000 EUR

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A320, and Boeing 737 Type rating and line training will be done according to latest requirements of the Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

If you already have Indian Commercial pilot license and plan to fly for an Indian airline, our Type Rating program will get you one step ahead.
·         Type rating and line training will be done according to latest requirements of the Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
·         Type rating will be done in a training center used by European airlines.
·         Visa support, transportation and accommodation will be provided free of charge.

·         Base training is available for all types.

Friday, May 29, 2015

http://pilotlinetrainingprograms.blogspot.com/ has managed to secure FO positions for Airbus 320 pilots in Europe EASA. (Self sponsored 48,000 EUR)

Airbus 320 

500 hours line training program

We have managed to secure FO positions in various airlines.

Course start date: Contact firstofficerlt@gmail.com  or a320line@gmail.com

Duration: 6-7 months

Location: Eastern Europe.

Cost: 48,000 EUR

If you are not yet typed in the A320 this can be a good choice.
We can help you get your A320 type rating from 14,900 EUR

Starts with application to firstofficerlt@gmail.com

1) CV
2) Copy of your license, medical.
3) Copy of your passport.

Limited slots open

We welcome
Holders of: 
EASA former JAA

Airbus 320 pilot line training

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Airbus 320 self sponsored line training, get 500 hours on A320.

We have managed to get a few slots for Airbus 320 line training.

The program is 500 hours on the A320.

And most important you gain the necessary experience to secure a permanent FO position.

Since it is a delicate topic with self-sponsored line training we have been asked by the partner airline to not give out details until we are sure the applicant is 100 % committed to join the program.

So the next step if you are able to invest in this line training program is to let me know, then we continue with the details.

Starts with application to firstofficerlt@gmail.com

1) CV
2) Copy of your license, medical.
3) Copy of your passport.

Limited slots open